Sunday 27 December 2015

A New Year, a New Chapter

Hello lovelies,

It's 9:26pm now as I patiently await my family's arrival from kampung. Initially I had plans to tag along but commitments here in Singapore got me into a dilemma on whether or not to follow so I ended up stuck in this stressful island. Sigh...

Anyway, there are only a few days left before the new year and to sum 2015 up in a few words, the year has been tumultuous, enduring and bittersweet. Precious and painful memories were made along the months. All of them had taught me valuable lessons and nurtured me to become a stronger person. I am also who I am because of those memories. I admit I have made countless wrong choices and decisions and I looked back at them with regrets. However, without them I would never learn from the mistakes and grow from it. Hence, I am grateful for them.

As the new year creeps in, I won't set any new resolutions for I know I won't stick to them. But what I will want to strive for, is to grab any opportunities present and approach life positively. Keep my heart and soul steadfast in my Deen and constantly feed this needy soul with beneficial knowledge and reminders. I will tell myself to expect and demand less and appreciate more and also embrace every setback in life. Have faith and keep my priorities in check. Family first, friends second. Treat everyone with love and care. Lastly, love myself more. In fact, love and treasure myself first before loving others.

With that, I'll see you here in 2016. God bless. Assalamualaikum.

Much love, Mai.

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