Monday 14 September 2015

Wedding Works: To-do List


You know there are days when you start daydreaming about your fairy-tale wedding out of the blue? You fantasize about the wedding theme and its decorations, your looks for the day, the lunch spread for the guests, the little things such as the gift trays, berkat, invitations cards and so on. And then you begin imagining how your dresses will turn out - its colours, designs and embroideries. Well today is not only about all that. I decided to list the things that M and I need to prepare for the wedding.

Oh the wedding date you asked? It's not finalized but tentatively, it will be on a Saturday, 28th January 2017. And yes bingo, you are right! It is also the day when I turn 24. I didn't propose this date. My mum did. But I'm not entirely against it because we are trying to hold the wedding within the first half of 2017 and we're also trying to avoid certain dates such as public and school holidays, where people generally will take the opportunity to travel. So my birthday sounds goooood since I get the bestestestest present I could ever wish for! A husband :D InshaAllah.

Okay, back to the list. Here is what I think should be included in the list. From time to time, the list will be altered and updated. In no order of importance, here we go ~

1) Wedding preparation course
2) Nikah Official or Tok Kadi
3) Venue: Void deck, CC, Restaurant
4) Food menu & caterer (This includes going for food-tasting)
5) Outfits for bride and groom
6) Outfits for bridesmaids and bestmen
7) Outfits for relatives
8) Gift trays or dulang/hantaran
9) Guests gifts or Berkat
10) Photographer and Videographer
11) Invitation cards (Wedding guests' list)
12) Make up - make up artist(s)
13) Henna - Henna Night, Henna artist(s)
14) Wedding dais and decorations
15) Hand bouquets
16) Shoes and Heels
17) Kompang
18) Bunga Mangga
19) Music/ Nasyid
20) Bride and groom's car (if two receptions are held concurrently)
21) Photo Booth
22) Honeymoon destination(s)

I still think the list is not complete. Anything, I'll update it again. Bye! :3

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