Thursday 5 December 2013

Happy Holidays!

Salaam! So I thought I should create a to-do list this December so I will not forget them and also to keep myself busy.

1. Get a haircut. My hair is falling at an immensely worrying rate. I assume it is because it is too long and heavy. Well anyway, a new hairstyle to usher in the new year is not a bad idea.

2. Bake and learn how to cook simple dishes.

3. Volunteering at Mutts & Mittens. I'm gonna be caring (and playing) with cats!

4. Try selling away some clothes because the closet's overflowed already.

5. Lose some freaking weight! Especially at the hips, bum and things areas.

6. Do more housework chores because everybody thinks I'm lazy :(

7. Be active in dikir barat again! I miss the girls and our jamming sessions.

8. Spend less especially on unnecessary items.

Yep, this could possibly keep me out of the house for the whole month. Cheers to an exciting holiday :)

Pictures taken yesterday before our papers. Love you girls! Till then.

Much love, Mai.